
Sometimes, a client has already written content themselves but they would like a little professional input.

This input can range from correcting small spelling mistakes and rearranging a few sentences, through to full re-writes only loosely based on the original copy. The role of an editor varies from project to project, depending entirely on what the client requires.

The benefit of hiring a professional editor is that you are left with high quality text that speaks to your target reader.

Case studies

Web Copy

Outline: Editing copy produced by a client for their cleaning business website.

Tell me more: I was approached by the owner of a cleaning business who had put together a limited amount of copy for her website but wanted a professional to take over. She asked for as many alterations as I felt necessary.

I began by rearranging the text so that it flowed better, placing important selling points at the top of the page. I incorporated more SEO friendly phrases, corrected Americanisms, ironed out spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. The client was very pleased with the copy I sent back to her and updated her website with confidence.


Outline: Editing content in luxury magazines.

Tell me more: I acted as the editor for the feature articles in Weddings in The South. The publishing company approached me with content that had been produced by various professionals who were experts in their particular subjects. The content was sound but the written English required polishing for publication and editing so that the whole magazine adhered to a particular tone. The client loved the finished product and I was very proud to be part of this editing commission.

Editing magazine articles requires corrections of spelling and grammar mistakes, and sometimes a certain amount of rearrangement. Word counts are also of high importance to publishers and so I am also often asked to cut down or add content.

Letters & Emails

Outline: Editing of correspondence.

Tell me more: I often edit correspondence on behalf of a particular client who isn’t confident with written English. This can mean reformatting and proofreading letters to his customers through to elevating the formality of a drafted email. He knows that he can call me to explain exactly what he wants to say and I will find a way of expressing it on paper.

Hiring me as an editor gives clients the confidence that their communication is sending the correct message.

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