
There is nothing that will boost confidence in your business like exceptional copy. Conversely, simple typing errors or grammatical mistakes make you appear unprofessional and careless.

By asking a proofreader to check your content and make minor amendments, you can be confident of maintaining a professional image.

From letters and adverts through to full magazines and books, I have been asked to proofread a wide range of content for clients.

Proofreading as a standalone service

Many clients have already written copy themselves and just want a professional to read through and make sure that they haven’t made mistakes. I am happy to simply proofread any text as a service all on its own.

These projects are usually completed quickly, giving the client peace of mind.

Proofreading as a complementary service

Alongside any editing or writing that I am asked to complete, I always thoroughly proofread my work to ensure the copy you receive is of the highest quality.

Visit the Writing Talent portfolio.